Welcome to the ADHD videogame study! Led by Dr. Luis Populin, the Department of Neuroscience is conducting a research study aimed at improving the use of Ritalin™ (Methylphenidate) in the treatment of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We hope to develop a computer game that can be used to determine the most effective dose of Ritalin™ unique to each individual child, and that this tool will be able to be used clinically to improve treatment.

This study takes place at the Wisconsin Institutes of Medical Research (WIMR II) on the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus, and involves two-four visits.

For more information, please call (608) 265-6711 or email adhd_videogame@mailplus.wisc.edu

Autumn afternoon on Bascom Hill
Photo by Bryce Richter / UW-Madison